Monday, July 16

my last day off.....and, I really didn't feel like doing too much since I am still trying to figure out this kidney problem.  maybe the ultrasound tonight will shed some light on a piss-poor (pun intended) situation. 

here is something that is shocking...just shocking.  obama refers to paramedics as paralegals....and the media ignores this humerous and newsworthy gaffe:
time for letterman to show a clip of George Bush tripping over a curb. 

I marvel at the hypocracy of that bunch - the ricketts family was lambasted because the old man was going to finance an ad campaign tying obama to rev. wright.....a campaign labeled as racist and inappropriate...however, millions are being spent by the obama campaing tying romney to bain capital...what is the difference?????

In addition to "What the bleep happened?", I have been reading The Amateur, another look at obama and his presidency from a right wing view.  not a very flattereing view, either.  but what do we know - we are all just witnesses to the most destructive terms in office of any president. 

and, once again, I did not win the lottery, nor did I lose weight, nor did my unicorn trap capture anything.  Me and triple J.....we are very, very disappointed.  maybe triple J's old man can blackmail budwieser into giving him a beer distributorship....that might cheer him up until he gets to be mayor.

e a c h o.....p e e z......


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