Tuesday, July 31

where did July go?  the kids go back to school in August.  then football starts, then the leaves fall, then the time change,then winter.  I suppose we have about 4 months before the weather turns bad...one third of the year.  now watch how fast that goes.

In my post yesterday, I mentioned that America loves a loser, hence the unexplained love for obama.  look at this story:
instead of making kids pay to go to summer school, they are being paid to to to summer school.  a real good incentive for kids to do well during the regular school year, huh?

have we built any new bridges, highways, monuments, traveled to space lateley?  well, no - but we pay lousy, undeerperforming students, and pander to illegals.  that is some progress, isn't it?

oh, and the story about Obama perhaps being related to a slave, and potentially being a distant cousin to Warren Buffet.....talk about pandering to both ends of the spectrum. doesn't matter - he will be out in November, if the polls are to be believed. 

it's 5am - I don't have the energy for a big closing line. 

other than eacho peez.


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