Sunday, July 8

yesterday's golf game was really a hot one.  but it cooled off a bit today.  finally.  now only if it would rain...a lot.  everything is so burnt from the sun.  oh well - maybe next year we will have a good growing season.

the chinese opened the gates on a gigantic dam they built.

America used to take on projects like this....the Hoover dam, the panama canal, the Apollo project...but now we spend our money on wars, aid to illegals and bloated pensions for public workers.  our bridges are collapsing under the weight of the trains they carry.  our roads and schools are falling apart.  but, we have a lot of fat, overfed illegals here.  they must be following the direction of our leader, and eating a lot of peas.

also, have you noticed how many celebrities are getting pinched for big tax payments they have not made?  so, they have broken the law, and obviously need to settle up.  but then we have the illegals...which we penalize by giving tens of thousands of dollars in aid to.  does that make sense? 

and you - eacho peez. 


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