Monday, July 30

I am actually writing this on Sunday since I have been having trouble getting into gear, and writing in the morning.  but now finishing it at 6:30 Monday....Monday gets here too quickly after Friday.
So, CNN plays the song "Stupid Girls" as a lead-in to a story about Sarah Palin speaking in support of Chick-fil-a....

wouldn't be great if FoxNews played "Baby Got Back" to lead into a story about Michelle Obama?...imagine the is that different from Stupid Girls, or playin Lyin Bitch when Michelle Bachmann was on Jimmy Fallon? 

Americal loves an underdog...but the mainstream media appears to love an abject failure based on their blind support of our failure of a president. 

leaderless, directionless, soul-less.  that is no way for a country to go through life.

oh..gas prices going up.....gee - I wonder why?  time to print more money to further weaken this once great country. 


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