Thursday, July 19

not to sound like a broken record, but July is flying by.  soon we'll see the ads for back to school sales.  the days are noticeably shorter, but at sunup and sundown.  happens every year.

today's WTF story is the recommendation that the chicago teachers get a double digit raise, and 35% over a few years.,0,6746773.story
these teachers are turning out such assets to society, they deserve a raise....not.  scrap the whole education program and start over with people that know what they are doing. this is a disaster.

and, of course, we have an illegal alien with a flight school teaching other illegals how to fly.  presumably not to land.
did we learn nothing from 9/11?   we really need to wand and grope white people more aggressively in the airport lines. 

and this - the post office is broke.
our failure in chief must have been too busy golfing to hear of this.

how will the postal retirees buy peas????


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