Tuesday, July 3

wow is it hot outside.  drink your beer fast before it gets wam.  that's what I do. 

the day before the birthday of the US.  our desent to the bottom is picking up pace.  we have left the door open to illegals.  we have passed a new tax that will pay the health insurance for those not paying for health insurance.  even though our property values continue to drop, the property tax bill that came yesterday was much higher than the last one.  those 6 figure pensions don't pay for themselves, you know.

i saw a news story that a house burned down because 2 kids were lighting sparklers on the toaster they had put on a matress.  we have failed as a country when we have children so stupid they light sparklers on a toaster placed on a mattress.  you would think the parents of the year of these stooges would at least provide the kids with a lighter. 

and now back to work.

many peas to eat.


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