Wednesday, July 18

mid-week....still hot.  still summer.

I have noticed a very troubling trend.  The rich and powerful seem to be having a lot of seizures.

kerry kennedy, of the rich, powerful and drunk driving kennedys had a seizure and hit a few cars.

then, recently, there was the cabinet member, the secretary of commerce, that had a seizure;

this is truly alarming.  we need to start a new tax to fund a study on why the rich are having seizures, while the rest of us poor slobs just get pinched for drunk driving.

once we have determined why the rich have seizures while driving, we can do a study on why the gas pedal only sticks when a 80+ year old is driving and plows into a crowd.

and then we can eat our peas.

oh yea, almost forgot.  some good stuff coming out from sheriff joe


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