Saturday, July 7

up at 4 am.  the life of an old man. I can't remember waking up as late as 7.  oh well - I'd rather be up doing something. 
leaving at 5:20 to play golf.  it will probably be scorching, even though we tee off at 6:09.  beats sitting in the clubhouse waiting out a frost delay.  which we did a few times in april  

obama is on the campaign trumpeting the economy's adding....8 thousand jobs.  that is laughable.  how is that progress?  how many unemployed were classified as "out of the workforce"?

like most people who have jobs, I feel lucky to have one.  that will allow me to pay my fair share for public pensions, illegals and their benefits and of course, for those who have no insurance, and will not get free health care.

and I can pay for my peas.

eacho peez. 

and now, off to golf.  and sweat.


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