Friday, July 27

the last Friday of July....the seventh month of 2012.  yikes...time is flying by.

going to my 8th grade reunion tomorrow - 40 years....that is a long time.  Looking forward to seeing old friends and secretly hoping I find someone who has weathered the years worse than I have.  Maybe I can compare notes and see if anyone else is whizzing blood these days.

I like to watch Bill O'Reilly.  I agree with his viewpoint on most things.  he writes a good piece here on the explosion in numbers of those on welfare and disability.
this country used to do great things...take on incredibly ambitious projects.  now we just pay illegals to come here and live.  we pay people to feign disability to get paid for sitting home. 

we have failed as a country.  check out this piece about the immigration problem:

yes, folks.  we have failed.  the working man has lost.  we elected a president whose misson is to ruin the country, and I hope some day we know why. 

and peas....we have eaten our peas....far to many peas.


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