
Showing posts from April, 2012

Monday, April 30

April sure flew by, didn't it?  Every month seems to fly by.  2012 will be 1/3 over after is it just me, or does the office of the president have no dignity these days?  I was taken aback by the much covered event on Saturday.  now, is is said that if a joke has to be explained, it is not a real good joke.  so, Obama joking that a pit bull tastes better than a hockey mom....well, we know he knows what dog tastes like, but are we to assume that he has eaten a hockey mom,and has a frame of comparison?  I don't get it.  do you?  also, a presidential event attended by momumental hosebags such as kim kardashian and lindsay lohan?  how low have we fallen?  was carrot top there too?  happy Monday. 

Saturday, April 28

just got back from the health club...and it is pretty clear that I need to lift more than just on weekends.  every saturday it feels like starting over.  also, I should skip the weights and do something more aerobic...but I hate the treadmill, stepper, etc.  So, I will stick to lifting.  I do, however, have the best tat in the gym, and, of course, I can walk through the locker room looking down my nose at those with no tats....(just kidding, but it would be something you'd expect from some of the douches you see walking around in the locker room). still crap weather, but we are golfing tomorrow no matter what.  this is just like last spring/summer - cold and rain every day.  NBA playoffs start today.  I think the champ will be crowned in August.  the latest example of the govt infringing on our rights: how about banning eating, talking, putting on makeup, while driving....just don't ban picking

Friday Night - April 27

not sure what has changed, but I hit 10,000 reads on this blog.  I wonder if something is amiss....or if I am now being read by captive audiences around the globe.....probably some counting error, I guess.  at any rate, the weekend is upon us.   there are about 15 teenagers in the house, and I am worn some grumpy old man would be.  funny how you hear the energy and innocent exuberance in the voices of the guys that come over to play xbox....and at my age, I can't wait for them to leave so I can go to bed.   is this what life becomes when we hit our early 50s?  I hope not.  wait..I am at that age now... with any luck, the weather will cooperate to some small degree and we can keep our tee time sunday at 6:30.  let's hope.  ok - maybe tomorrow I will actually have something to write about. congrats to the author (me) for finally getting to 10,000 page reads.  eacho peez...... back at ya..............

Friday, April 27

Another chilly morning.  We are paying for the warm weather we had in March, I guess.  18 days over 80 degrees last month, none this month.  Does not make for good golf weather. in the video clip I posted yesterday, they said "make cheap energy expensive, then make everyone think expensive energy is cheap".  on the news today, they talked about the price of gas going down the last 3 weeks...TO $4.20 PER GALLON.   I guess there was some truth to that video.  at least I thought there was.  I saw a story yesterday that authorities are on alert for attacks because the one year anniversary of the killing of Bin Laden is approaching.  But wait....I saw a story on Monday that said the war on terror was over....hmm...who to believe. oh - then there is this report about what we paid for Michelle Obama's trip to spain.  old news, I know.  but infuriating, nonetheless. and now, finall

Thursday - 2nd post

I forgot to post this link from Drudge...but it is a very good video about how we are being brainwashed...or perhaps you will dismiss this as another right wing view.  but, it makes sense to me - take a look at it.  you need sound on.

Thursday, April 26

Feels like it should be Friday.  and it should be Friday.  but it is not.  will have to tough this day out, I guess.  the ghost moose....thanks for the pic, Kazz.  I renamed the blog, as you can see.  Here are a few good examples of more ghost moose type issues...(see Oct 19, 2011 post for the original ghost moose appearance) We have seen the enemy, and the enemy is us.  Nice that the fed govt is going to court to prevent Arizona from protecting itself from the swarm of illegals coming from Mexico. and then there is this: Michelle Obama saying there will be pre-natal care and contraception AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA COST.  I suppose if you are among the 50% paying no federal tax, you will pay no extra cost.  If you are among the 50% actually paying taxes, suck it up and pay for those con

Wednesday, April 25

April marches on.  And like last year, the weather sucks for golf.  this weekend's scheduled round looks iffy due to rain and cold.  last year, it was August before the ground was dry enough to see your ball bounce off the grass.  so, it will be Mitt Romney as the republican presidential candidate.  He is already talking about the failure of the incumbent, how he will turn things around...all of that candidate speak.  anyone see a pattern here?  they say the second string quarterback is the most poplular player on a pro football team.  same thing with the candidate that is not yet president.  no matter who wins the election, they will have inherited a mess that was decades in the making, and one guy, one or two or 5 - four year terms will not be enough to clean up the mess.  as much as I have criticized Obama, really, who can fix what is wrong with the country...... the ghost prophetic of me to come up with such a clever analogy.  and I have a cool tat, too.  remi

Tuesday, April 24

My back is killing me.  I see a guy at the health club that is in his late 30s, and he and I used to face off in bball games.  He is a beast - and would be a real challenge.  a few months ago, he tore his acl and had surgery.  I was at his age when I realized my world had changed - I couldn't play ball, run, or do any of the things I could do when I was younger.  I suppose being overweigh and lazy has something to do with my limitations.  but, like most people that justify their laziness and obesity, the world owes me the chance to be fat and slothful.  so much to write about...where do I start???  this link from Drudge pretty much sums up the polarization of our president as it relates to race relations: predictably, there is no national coverage, no outrage.  nor should there be, really, but the media has shown themselves unable or unwilling to report evenly on crimes committed by any and all

Monday, April 23

back to work...and my back is killing me for some reason today.  probably from the minute amount of work I did outside yesterday.  I had a beer with a friend last week that I worked with 20 years ago.  and tonight, meeting a friend that I worked with 10 years ago.  later this week, I will be meeting up with a friend that I worked with 27 years ago.....I guess something good does come out of working at places and working with people you choose to stay in touch with decades, it gives you someone to drink with, right?  and talk about old work stories.... I showed everyone at work my tat.  old news now.  but, as Josh said - a badass tat.  I was thinking that not many people have this tat, and probably no one has a tat of their ex-wives playing poker.  (that is part of a bigger joke I thought of, but I will leave that alone).  But Dogs Playing Poker - that is cool shit. oh, and eacho peez.

Sunday, April 22

you may be wondering if it hurts to get a really doesn't.  what doesn't feel so good is sleeping on that shoulder all night, then having the tattoo stick to your shirt, then peeling the shirt off.  eek.  other than that, it does not really hurt.  pinch, yes. check it out: Tim, the artist,  did a really good job - plenty of detail - the bottle on the table, the chips, Murph and Sheena, who you can see here, look just like their pictures.  Ollie is on the end that you can't see in this pic.  here is what I used for the general look - a pic I found. here is a pic of Murph: ok - so that is now off my bucket list.  what next?  maybe shave my head.

Saturday, Apr 21 - too late for an old man to be up

so, the Hawks game didn't suck - they finally won in OT. the tat looks good - like the tat artist said - now you're in. in the tat club, I suppose he meant.  the tat club...ha ha...i'm in it and you are not.  and, I had the good sense to leave room for dog #4 on my arm....but, i hope I don't have to fill that space anytime soon.  wow - up after midnight for a change.  the son is home...time for me to check out.... eacho peez. 

Saturday, April 21

I am tired.  got up at 4:30 am...went to the store, worked out, then drove to the city to get the much awaited tat with my friend Josh.   Dogs Playing Poker..... I have had dogs for 25 after another after another.  I have wanted to get a tattoo, but could not think of what to get put on myself that I would be stuck with forever.  So, Ollie, Sheena and Murph are now on my arm. Playing poker - you know - the famous tacky Dogs Playing Poker pic.  I had the tat artist leave room for a fourth.  I'll post a pic of it tomorrow.  I will say, between lifting weights, and gaining a helluva lot of unnecessary and unwanted weight, I have pretty big guns....cross getting a tat off my bucket list. the hawks game sucks through 2 periods. eacho peez. maybe I should get a tat of "eacho peez".  the phrase that, thus far, is not sweeping the nation.  but, you know, I had a lot of page views yesterday, and a lot today.  new readers, or perhaps, obama's thugs watch

Friday. April 20

I just finished the new Steven King novel, 11/22/63.  It was pretty good - if you are into reading.  of course, I read all the usual news sites as well as the paper already (getting up at 4 am gives you the time for that) and have yet to see a story that provides any hope....hope for the economy, hope for the unemployment, hope for fixing the pension mess.   nope - just more crap about the stand your ground law, more pictures of an 8 year old (pre-thug) Trayvon Martin, and so on.  How did we get to this place?  we made a wrong turn somewhere and never righted our course.  or is it just me? for example: eacho peez.

Wednesday, April 18

did you pay your taxes???  you better have - millions of parasites are relying on you.  this is too precious for words.  After hearing Letterman make jokes to the point of being obnoxious about Romney traveling with his dog in a cage on the roof of his car, we see this: OBAMA EATS DOGS!!!! Too funny.  and not surprising.  this factoid will certainly make the monologues of all night comedy shows right?  Eating a dog is a bit more extreme than putting a dog in a cage on your rooftop carrier... but no - don't expect to hear a whimper from the complicit media.  that would be (take your pick): racist, inappropriate, old info, not relavant.  no - you will hear nothing of this.... oh, and Michelle Obama's dad had MS, and the fawning media covered that story.  did you know Mitt Romney's wife has MS?  thought not. this is really frightening.  eacho peez.

Tuesday April 17

DID YOU PAY YOUR TAXES TODAY????  BECAUSE YOUR TAXES ARE DUE.  SO PAY UP. note:  if you are in the 50% that pays no federal tax, we are sorry to have alarmed you.  we will make sure your aid check is on time, once we squeeze the 50% of the saps that pay taxes.  gracias.  what a crock.  seems like an appropriate time to re-cycle one of my favorite posts...The Ghost Moose: (oh, and eacho peez)  from Oct 19, 2011 In my many trips to Canada, I have seen moose up close in the wild a few times. Moose are very majestic, graceful creatures. the emperor of the north, so to speak. When moose walk through the tall marsh grass, they can pick up ticks. The ticks start about the size of a grain of sand, and attach themselves to the moose, gorging on the blood of the moose. the moose can have hundreds of these parasites feeding off of it, the the ticks grow in size from a grain of sand to the size of a large grape. Over the course of the season, the ticks feed off the moose, causin

Monday, April 16

ok - so skier Lindsey Vonn owes the IRS 1.7 million... why is the irs targeting taxpayers for not paying taxes?  should they not target those who are spawning many more parasites that we can afford to pay for?  if you had a dog that had puppies twice a year, would you not take steps to stop that dog from breeding?  that is our problem - we have these breeders that can't keep their legs closed - and who pays??? well  the 50% paying taxes.  and we are, of course, paying for the many vacations of the queen. here is an interesting video about the topic I wrote of last week - the obama/clinton campaign.  very frightening, and her point about being vetted more to apply for a job at wal mart is spot on.  I recommend watching this - and if true, who should go to jail for this coup? eacho peez.

Sunday, April 15

finally - someone calling like they see it is.  Dick Cheney calling our messiah an ummitigated disaster. but, is that not racist?  c'mon - this is his first job, and we need to cut him some slack, right? what a disaster this guy has been.  well, he has been a disaster to the 50% paying taxes.  to the other 50%, keep spreading those legs and releasing democrats like a clown car would release clowns. my country...i have never been less proud of it. 

Sunday, April 15

did you file your taxes yet?   because, if you are part of the 50% paying federal taxes, the govt demands you give the govt what is due.  if you are part of the 50% layabouts that pay no taxes, go use your link card to buy more cheetos.  I have been up for awhile.  read the paper, read the usual internet news sites.  and still, I see so few stories that give any optimism to the lousy state of affairs the county, and the world, is in.  the magazine section had a follow up to their "what are they earning" story they do ever year.  makes me realize I am earning less than I was 10 years ago.  I know I am not alone, but it is not supposed to work that way, is it?  eacho peez.

Friday, April 13

Friday the 13th...feels like the country has been stuck in a run of bad luck for a long time now, doesn't it? here is an article about how the campaign season will be an ugly one I guess since Obama has done nothing to fulfull his campaign promises, he has to run a negative campaign.  but, he was going to have the most transparent administration ever, right?  he told us that..our messiah did.  and he would not lie, would he?  but wait..... and, of course, Michelle Obama had to work - they just couldn't afford for her not to work...and, oh, all the sacrifices she must have made to earn that $316 grand sending indigent patients away from the hospital that was paying her those big bucks. that record should have been sealed. folks, have we not had enough lies yet? Ea

Wednesday, April 11

Hump Day.  Does anyone call Wednesday that anymore?  I always thought it was a dumb term, anyway. I learned something today.  With all the race baiting going on, everyone seems to be keeping score...well, those whose fortunes rely on fanning the flames of racial hatred do.  It is a hate crime to hang a noose on someone's door.  but, the actions on this video do not constititute a hate crime. that should be clear enough, right?  the youngsters on this video look like obama's kid would look.  if obama had a street thug for a kid. honestly - is it just me, or have we taken several giant steps toward oblivion?  as a country, we are in trouble.  and it is our own fault. some good stuff on pensions in todays paper, but I don't have the time to ruminate on it.....(there is my one use of ruminate for the year). eacho peez....

Tuesday, April 10

where does the time go?  4:00 already - I usually post in the morning, before the day turns to crap.  but too late - that has already happened.  not really - I have nothing to complain about today.... except: the GSA party, and more waste on the taxpayer dime.  of course, the first family set the bar pretty high when it comes to living it up on us taxpayers. then at lunch, I heard on the radio that Obama wants the rich to pay their fair share so the middle class doesn't have to subsidize the rich...hey - how about getting more of the 50% that pays no tax to pay tax.  just a thought. eacho peez....all a yuz. 

Monday, April 9

Back to work. it is amazing how polarized the races have become now.  the situation in Oklahoma making sure to talk about the white shooters.... the nbc admission that a producer doctored the 911 tape obama's comments on an already racially charged situation the armed neo nazis patrolling the town in FL where it all started. one must wonder how much of this is intentional.  who is to gain from pitting the races against each other?  not a good situation for anyone - except those who profit from such situations...from those whose career is to involve themselves in such situations. I wonder who those people might be? eacho peas.

Saturday, April 7

bummer - got to the golf course at 6:30 this morning only to find out there was a 2 hr frost delay.  so, we had no interest in sitting the a clubhouse full of old men reeking of cigarette smoke, so we bailed.  maybe next week.  here are a few links from today's Drudge Report: ok - the common threads - all are black on white crimes, none reported by the national media, and none categorized as a hate crime. now look at this: a white guy shoots black folks, and CNN reports it as a possible hate crime.  I don't recall CNN having stories of the Wichita Massacre, or the horrible Knoxville murders. I wonder what our white-black president would say about this..... in add

Friday, April 6

Happy and Holy Good Friday...oh wait - I hope no one is offended by that.  If you are, go eff yourself.  wow - our messiah is working wonders with the economy.  Unemployment is down to 8.2%...but what is that, you say?  How many people "not in the labor force"???? well, that number happens to be at an all time high.  what a load of crap - they just stopped counting those not working.  when will he be held accountable for his lies?  or maybe they should just seal the labor statistics. note to those who put out these lies - if you are unemployed, you are not in the labor force.  eacho peas. 

Thursday, April 5

not Friday yet.  Tomorrow is Good Friday. I remember that was a quasi holiday - observed by most.  Many business closed, a degree of reverance.  Of course, now, in our Godless society, it is taboo to mention the Good Friday holiday, or Easter - lest we insult someone.  times have changed, haven't they?  but if you are part of the 50% that pays no taxes, things have been pretty good for you for awhile. speaking of taxes, the IRS will be suspending your passport for not paying taxes. but if you are here illegally and paying no taxes, or are in the 50% of parasites not paying tax, no problem.  eacho peas.

Tuesday, April 3

perfect spring weather.  not having suffered through a nasty winter makes it all the better.  here is an interesting story - seems that when Hillary Clinton was running against Obama in 2008, Bill Clinton had some info on Obama's eligibility.  and was threatened to drop it. explains a lot.  if it is true.  and it probably is.  but take a read...if you like conspiracies, it is a good tale. not much inspriration to write today.  too busy.  maybe tomorrow's news will bring some new, infuriating story for me to write about.  eacho peas.

Monday, April 2

Monday...and a nice day at that.  Finally, a realistic story on teachers pensions.  This is the first time I have seen someone in an official role make the determination that all of us have known since the story first came to light.....there is no way for the cash outflow to continue.  there is no way for all the retirees to be paid in a manner they were promised. it will be very interesting to see what the next steps are.  I find it funny that the story is in a Peoria paper, and no mention of it in the Chicago media.  just wait for the whining to start.  as it is, our income and property taxes are unaffordable.... so - Happy Monday.