Wednesday, April 25

April marches on.  And like last year, the weather sucks for golf.  this weekend's scheduled round looks iffy due to rain and cold.  last year, it was August before the ground was dry enough to see your ball bounce off the grass. 

so, it will be Mitt Romney as the republican presidential candidate.  He is already talking about the failure of the incumbent, how he will turn things around...all of that candidate speak.  anyone see a pattern here?  they say the second string quarterback is the most poplular player on a pro football team.  same thing with the candidate that is not yet president.  no matter who wins the election, they will have inherited a mess that was decades in the making, and one guy, one or two or 5 - four year terms will not be enough to clean up the mess.  as much as I have criticized Obama, really, who can fix what is wrong with the country......

the ghost prophetic of me to come up with such a clever analogy.  and I have a cool tat, too.  remind me to show it to you when I see you.

also - I have been getting a lot of page views in the last week.  is there a new reader out there?  or is it some secretive government agency looking at my rants????

eacho peez.


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