Thursday, April 26

Feels like it should be Friday.  and it should be Friday.  but it is not.  will have to tough this day out, I guess. 

the ghost moose....thanks for the pic, Kazz.  I renamed the blog, as you can see.  Here are a few good examples of more ghost moose type issues...(see Oct 19, 2011 post for the original ghost moose appearance)

We have seen the enemy, and the enemy is us.  Nice that the fed govt is going to court to prevent Arizona from protecting itself from the swarm of illegals coming from Mexico.

and then there is this:
Michelle Obama saying there will be pre-natal care and contraception AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA COST.  I suppose if you are among the 50% paying no federal tax, you will pay no extra cost.  If you are among the 50% actually paying taxes, suck it up and pay for those condoms and other things that the other 50% need to keep screwing like mink.

it is bad enough for the ghost moose to walk throught the marsh and pick up a is totally unacceptable for the moose to be walking outside the marsh and have handfuls of ticks thrown onto it.  and that is what we are doing.   can our ultimate demise be too far off?

eacho peez. 


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