Monday, April 23

back to work...and my back is killing me for some reason today.  probably from the minute amount of work I did outside yesterday. 

I had a beer with a friend last week that I worked with 20 years ago.  and tonight, meeting a friend that I worked with 10 years ago.  later this week, I will be meeting up with a friend that I worked with 27 years ago.....I guess something good does come out of working at places and working with people you choose to stay in touch with decades, it gives you someone to drink with, right?  and talk about old work stories....

I showed everyone at work my tat.  old news now.  but, as Josh said - a badass tat.  I was thinking that not many people have this tat, and probably no one has a tat of their ex-wives playing poker.  (that is part of a bigger joke I thought of, but I will leave that alone).  But Dogs Playing Poker - that is cool shit.

oh, and eacho peez.


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