Friday, April 13

Friday the 13th...feels like the country has been stuck in a run of bad luck for a long time now, doesn't it?

here is an article about how the campaign season will be an ugly one
I guess since Obama has done nothing to fulfull his campaign promises, he has to run a negative campaign. 

but, he was going to have the most transparent administration ever, right?  he told us that..our messiah did.  and he would not lie, would he?  but wait.....

and, of course, Michelle Obama had to work - they just couldn't afford for her not to work...and, oh, all the sacrifices she must have made to earn that $316 grand sending indigent patients away from the hospital that was paying her those big bucks.

that record should have been sealed.
folks, have we not had enough lies yet?
Eacho peez.


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