Saturday, April 28

just got back from the health club...and it is pretty clear that I need to lift more than just on weekends.  every saturday it feels like starting over.  also, I should skip the weights and do something more aerobic...but I hate the treadmill, stepper, etc.  So, I will stick to lifting.  I do, however, have the best tat in the gym, and, of course, I can walk through the locker room looking down my nose at those with no tats....(just kidding, but it would be something you'd expect from some of the douches you see walking around in the locker room).

still crap weather, but we are golfing tomorrow no matter what.  this is just like last spring/summer - cold and rain every day. 

NBA playoffs start today.  I think the champ will be crowned in August. 

the latest example of the govt infringing on our rights:
how about banning eating, talking, putting on makeup, while driving....just don't ban picking your nose while driving, please.


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