Tuesday, April 24

My back is killing me.  I see a guy at the health club that is in his late 30s, and he and I used to face off in bball games.  He is a beast - and would be a real challenge.  a few months ago, he tore his acl and had surgery.  I was at his age when I realized my world had changed - I couldn't play ball, run, or do any of the things I could do when I was younger.  I suppose being overweigh and lazy has something to do with my limitations.  but, like most people that justify their laziness and obesity, the world owes me the chance to be fat and slothful. 

so much to write about...where do I start???  this link from Drudge pretty much sums up the polarization of our president as it relates to race relations:
predictably, there is no national coverage, no outrage.  nor should there be, really, but the media has shown themselves unable or unwilling to report evenly on crimes committed by any and all races.  we tend to focus on those committed by whites.  don't we?

and, of course, the fed govt really has to step in and prevent Arizona from protecting itself from and onslaught from Mexico:

America, the ghost moose, needs just a few more ticks to put us in the grave.  and getting more of these treasures from south of the border is just what the moose ordered.

eacho peez.


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