Monday, April 30

April sure flew by, didn't it?  Every month seems to fly by.  2012 will be 1/3 over after

is it just me, or does the office of the president have no dignity these days?  I was taken aback by the much covered event on Saturday.  now, is is said that if a joke has to be explained, it is not a real good joke.  so, Obama joking that a pit bull tastes better than a hockey mom....well, we know he knows what dog tastes like, but are we to assume that he has eaten a hockey mom,and has a frame of comparison?  I don't get it.  do you?  also, a presidential event attended by momumental hosebags such as kim kardashian and lindsay lohan?  how low have we fallen?  was carrot top there too? 

happy Monday. 


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