Wednesday, April 11

Hump Day.  Does anyone call Wednesday that anymore?  I always thought it was a dumb term, anyway.

I learned something today.  With all the race baiting going on, everyone seems to be keeping score...well, those whose fortunes rely on fanning the flames of racial hatred do.  It is a hate crime to hang a noose on someone's door.  but, the actions on this video do not constititute a hate crime.

that should be clear enough, right?  the youngsters on this video look like obama's kid would look.  if obama had a street thug for a kid.

honestly - is it just me, or have we taken several giant steps toward oblivion?  as a country, we are in trouble.  and it is our own fault.

some good stuff on pensions in todays paper, but I don't have the time to ruminate on it.....(there is my one use of ruminate for the year).

eacho peez....


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