Tuesday April 17


note:  if you are in the 50% that pays no federal tax, we are sorry to have alarmed you.  we will make sure your aid check is on time, once we squeeze the 50% of the saps that pay taxes.  gracias. 

what a crock.  seems like an appropriate time to re-cycle one of my favorite posts...The Ghost Moose: (oh, and eacho peez)  from Oct 19, 2011

In my many trips to Canada, I have seen moose up close in the wild a few times. Moose are very majestic, graceful creatures. the emperor of the north, so to speak.

When moose walk through the tall marsh grass, they can pick up ticks. The ticks start about the size of a grain of sand, and attach themselves to the moose, gorging on the blood of the moose. the moose can have hundreds of these parasites feeding off of it, the the ticks grow in size from a grain of sand to the size of a large grape. Over the course of the season, the ticks feed off the moose, causing its fur to fall out, and leaving the moose unprotected from the elements. By winter, the moose succumbs to the ticks, lays down and dies. the process of a moose becoming infected by ticks and dying a slow death is called Ghost Moose.

Our country is a Ghost Moose. We have so many parasites attached to us, that we are at the point of no return. We have succumed to our welfare recipients, our ungrateful foreign aid recipients, our pension hogs, our illegal aliens, our crooked politicians, our failed military exercises, our bailed out bankers, our willingness to bail out Europe, and so many more. One of these parasitic classes is not enough in itself to bring the country to its knees - but the sheer number of parasites feeding off of our once great country is unsustainable...and has led us down the path of ruin.

So many parasites sucking the life blood our of what was once America. America is the Ghost Moose...all that is left is for America to lay down and die. There ain't no fixing what is wrong with us - the time to do that was 20 years ago.

here's a link to some info on Ghost Moose...not the most exciting of reading, but you gotta admit - my analogy is spot on.


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