Wednesday, April 18

did you pay your taxes???  you better have - millions of parasites are relying on you. 

this is too precious for words.  After hearing Letterman make jokes to the point of being obnoxious about Romney traveling with his dog in a cage on the roof of his car, we see this:

Too funny.  and not surprising. 
this factoid will certainly make the monologues of all night comedy shows right?  Eating a dog is a bit more extreme than putting a dog in a cage on your rooftop carrier...
but no - don't expect to hear a whimper from the complicit media.  that would be (take your pick): racist, inappropriate, old info, not relavant.  no - you will hear nothing of this....

oh, and Michelle Obama's dad had MS, and the fawning media covered that story.  did you know Mitt Romney's wife has MS?  thought not.

this is really frightening. 

eacho peez.


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