
Showing posts from January, 2009

Saturday - still a day to catch up

Because I am consulting this week, I have to use Saturday for all the things that don't get done during the week. That is what I miss about not working. Having too much time to do laundry, grocery shop, clean the house. Having a full plate on Saturday provides the structure that reinforces that, at least for awhile, I am a member of the club. The club of people with jobs. I must admit, I have relaxed my search the last 2 weeks, but had some productive conversations with recruiters. They didn't have an appropriate role at present, but it feels good to make a new connection with someone that sounds like they will help. About a month ago, I spoke with 2 contract agencies about temporary projects. They sounded like they had a match, then nothing. I wish those filling positions understood the desparation of the job seeker. Would it put them out tremendously to return a call or email asking for status? There is no professional consideration anymore. We are supposed to be co

Thursday Evening

still making good progress on my project. then, the apprehension always creeps in that when it is done, I will be back scratching in the dirt. but if it is to be, it is to be. I have been talking to recruiters who maintain that I should be getting more interviews than I have been getting. probably true, since I have been getting none. but with job cuts as prevalent as they have been this week, I suspect no one is getting much traction. but the numbers are startling. how did we get here? who fell asleep at the switch? and why are wall street firms paying billions in bonuses. to keep their good workers??? I was a good worker and all it got me was laid off. so, let's hope some oversight is placed on those leeches. anyway, enough pontificating. much to do. have a good evening. the Office is a rerun. I suppose I should be networking and doing all the things the recruiters have been telling me to do......or, maybe I will watch an Office rerun. have a good evening, all. t

Tuesday night

I guess I missed a few days. Have been working a temp project which makes for a long day. But it is so nice to be out of the house and away from sitting in front of the computer, staring out the window. Don't get caught in that trap. as if we had a choice. I always feel like if I am not at the computer or near the phone, I will miss that call....but that is not the way it is, of course. making progress on my project. even if it does not continue beyond next week, it is good to hone the work skills again. to think, to set a goal. I was really rusty, too. so, after a week of the project, I am ready to move a bit quicker. I feel like I have been holding back, but that ends tomorrow. bold moves. had a good conversation with a recruiter in New York today as well. They are always good conversations, of course. but one of these times there will be a job at the end of the rainbow. back at ya.

Saturday Morning

Getting ready for my son's basketball game. I was at the store this morning, and saw a person I worked with 3 companies ago. So, I introduced myself and we chatted. She is now a recruiter for a company, and told me to send her my resume. The field is not exactly a perfect match, but it does show that a lead can come from some very unexpected avenues. A small ray of light, but nice nonetheless. the contract project this week was a nice break from downtime. a solid growing company. I am getting up to speed, and feel I can give them some good value. I see some issues there common to many businesses and will debrief the president on my observations. It is nice to be in a position where that is asked for. have a good Saturday.

Thursday - I think a few days slipped by

I have been meaning to post the last few days, but not being home much and trying to catch up at night has put a crimp in my posting. When you are working, your system is structured, and you implicitly know how to budget your time to get everything done. Having been off for 4 months, my organizations skills are not what they were - once I get home from work, I haven't been able to get much done at night. but, I am learning to crawl, then walk, then run, then fly. the project is going well. the company is small but successful, and I should be able to give them capacity for more. at any rate, it is refreshing to be in a professional environment for 10 hours each day. beats the heck out of sitting on the computer listening to sports radio all day. being back at work and engaged gets me thinking about next steps - and I had lost that view. on the ride home, a friend called me to talk about some business ideas he had. so, it is refreshing to have a conversation with someone w

Monday - MLK day, day 1 of temp project

Monday morning. No school for my son, and my daughter heads back to school today. I am starting a project today for a company I interviewed with. I am going to really dig in and deliver a nice analysis. My strategy will be to show what value can be realized with a longer term relationship. So, I am excited that I will be busy and interacting with other professionals all day. But, the search continues. I am a valuable asset, and some company will be fortunate to find that out. A recruiter I spoke with last week stressed the importance of networking - making calls, scheduling meeting, joining LinkedIn groups. I joined a number of groups that I have an interest in, and am actively seeking networking opportunities. It is a challenge, since so many professionals are feeling stressed about their own jobs. But, as a friend once said "there is never a time when no one is hiring". The challenge is to find out who that is. Happy Monday.

Friday. A very cold day

I had an interview downtown this morning and got in the car at 6:45 am and the temp read minus 20. Brutal. I walked a mile downtown and nearly froze. The interview was with a recruiter, so the meeting with their client will hopefully follow. I am starting a temp project next week, so it will be nice to interact with live humans during the day. I guess that is one of the hardest issues - I am by nature a people person, and my roles as a senior manager have required a lot of face to face discussions and issue resolution. So, I miss that a lot. I am hoping the project is an opportunity to really help the company from a process and cost standpoint. I am spending some time brushing up on techniques, and formulating an approach. that's the update for the week. am hoping to make my luck next week. so, have a good weekend all.

Thursday - weather cold, job activity thawing somewhat

Due to the weather, school was cancelled, so it is a good thing I could be home with my son. Of course, I am on the computer, and he is downstairs playing xbox - but we are under the same roof. I got an offer to work a 3 week project at a company I interviewed with. I am looking forward to being busy and doing productive work. I am going to show this organization that they need me long term. I have been doing research on documentation so I can go beyond their expectations. I am going downtown tomorrow for an interview at a recruiting firm for a position that is right up my alley. Hopefully it will lead to an interview with their client seeking to fill the position. And Tuesday, another meeting with a recruiter that was a referral from my network. So, if nothing else, I am busy with some different activities. and excited to be that way. I guess the "10 no's" principle still holds, although in this market it is probably more like the "20 no's". see yo

Wednesday - and more snow

I feel like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window. I sit at my computer all day doing the job search, and looking out the window. It seems like the winter has been going on forever. Too much snow. I am waiting for a call that is now an hour late, and at some point have to go out and clear the snow. And the temperature is supposed to plummet tonight. The search grinds on. I have spoken to 2 contract firms lately and am waiting for a response, as well as a follow up to an interview I had that may result in a trial consulting project. So I am doing some research and brushing up on my documentation skills. A nice diversion. I will take a pass on my daily trip to the store, with the weather as bad as it is. Spoke with a few colleagues from a few jobs. things are the same all over. it seems like a general malaise has drifted over all organizations. Does anyone know anyone who feels secure and satisfied with their job? Let's hope as the winter moves on and passes into spring, the c

Tuesday - Monday slipped by with no post

Here it is Tuesday morning. I realized Monday got away from me with no post. As I look back, I ask: "What was I so busy with?". Honestly, I can't remember. So many emails sent, so many web sites visited. and nothing to show for it. I called an acquaintance for support and got the usual "it's a bad time - lots of people are affected". which I certainly knew. but it helps assuage the frustration hearing that from my wife, friends, former co-workers, etc. All we can do is forge ahead. and that is what I am doing. On the plus side, I made a dinner for the family that they really like. and played basketball last night, which is a good diversion. and how are all of you doing these days?

Sunday, Jan 10

The posting from yesterday somehow didn't take. the snow finally stopped. Job postings still minimal. I am hoping some of the introductions will pan out this week. Of course, the media stories about things getting worse before they get better are not encouraging. Of course, for the unemployed, they can't get any worse. For those losing their jobs, it sucks. I had a call on Friday from a friend checking in to see how I was doing. I felt pretty good after speaking with him. So, if you have friends affected, stay in touch with them - they are still the same people they were, just now they are in the job market. Have a good Sunday.

Friday - end of day

End of a long week. I feel like I didn't get any traction, but I had a few leads I am chasing. The job situation continues to be slow, with downsizing continuing. But, companies still need talented people - those that bring in more than they cost. So, that is the value I would bring to a company, and will demonstrate that quickly once I land. My wife is off on Friday, and it is nice to have company during the day. She remains very supportive, and my time off has deepened the respect and love I have for her. I was the earner for so long, and stripped of my status as a worker, I am lost. She has helped me understand this is but a temporary situation and I will be better for it. I am lucky to have her, as she is truly my better half. so, there is this week's revelation. good luck all, and have a good weekend.

and so it goes

As I was doing my search yesterday, I got an email from a friend that his IT job had been cut. The business pages offer no encouraging news, but I believe the media dwells on the negative. I recall the downturn of the late 80s resulted in too many cuts that left companies unable to respond once the economy picked up. so, the key is to keep focused and just stay with it. It is tough at times, but it is the only way to change your situation. I am trying to transfer my wife's health club membership to me, so I can use it. When I saw my job was on thin ice, I did not renew my club membership as she had earlier. So, with her work schedule, she can't really use the club, but of course, I can. So, we shall see how that request works out. Have a good Thursday. Keep positive. and good luck

Update from a Colleague

I got a call from a fellow job seeker yesterday. We had worked together years back and have stayed in touch. He was downsized a month after I was and had a pretty good level of interview activity right away. He started a new job in December. I, obviously, was very happy for him, as it shows some hirings are taking place. I did start to question my own search - why wasn't it working, what am I doing wrong??? But, hard work will pay off, and congratulations to John.


I play basketball on Monday nights, and on Tuesday I'm usually sore. I enjoy that feeling, because it reminds me I have done something other than job search. At this point, I have no basketball skills left, but I play with a good bunch of guys, and it takes my mind off my situation. One of the things that is really important is to be active, and get up and around during the day. Depression and frustration will easily find a stationary target. Use the downtime to get in better shape, lose weight, watch less tv, read more books. My wife always says if you are negative, negative things will find you. If you are positive, positive things will find you. By nature, I have never been a very positive person. However, my situation has had me cross paths with a lot of people, and overwhelmingly it is refresing to be around positive folks. so, if you feel youself getting down, call a friend, take a walk, talk to your dog. The search, and your attitude are constant works in progress

It ain't just me after all.

Yesterday (Sunday) I was reading the letters to the editor in the Tribune. I glanced at the first note and began reading it. It was the first hand story of another professional that had been downsized. It was a very well written piece; very clearly presenting the story of yet another professional being affected by this dreadful economy. Not just a number, but from a guy with kids, a mortgage, and other commitments. The author's picture printed next to the letter hammered home the point that this is not a faceless, anonymous problem. It affects almost all of us, our family, friends and neighbors. Here was another guy who probably had a lousy holiday because of his situation. Because this letter was so eerily similar to my own experience, I reached out to the writer (Jim Warda) on LinkedIn, and had occasion to speak with him on the phone this afternoon. It was time very well spent. Our situations were almost identical. Our road to unemployment the same. Jim's attitude

New Year - let's get going

Well, everyone is back to work and school. The search continues, although next to nothing is posted. I sent so many resumes out over the holidays, I was hoping to hear something when hiring managers returned to work. We shall see. At any rate, I start the year with a bit more energy than I finished up 2008 with. Still a bummer to be sitting here on the computer. It seems like the jobless situation is pretty much accepted now - not a big story on the news anymore. But, this too shall pass. Happy New year everyone.

Sunday - The New Year starts tomorrow

Tomorrow is the first full week of the new year. Like all job seekers, I am hoping that means positions will be filled. I am glad the holidays are past. With no job, you don't participate in the holiday parties and the other things that businesses do - although this year plenty of companies did away with those niceities. so, the search continues in earnest. enjoy the football games today.

Friday - Jan 2. The New Year begins

I missed posting the last 2 days. I tried from my daughter's laptop, but the settings were wrong and I couldn't. So, here is it Jan 2 and I am back at it. Not that I took the last 2 days off. I still sent a bunch of resumes off to jobs posted. So, I have to hit the new year running. In addition to going on a diet, being a better person, etc., I have to keep the resolution to get a job. A better job. The last job I had was not the highlight of my career. Just was not a good fit, considering the one I left was a good fit. So, I resolve to find that job that will rekindle the creative professional spark. Good luck to all in 2009.