Friday - end of day

End of a long week. I feel like I didn't get any traction, but I had a few leads I am chasing. The job situation continues to be slow, with downsizing continuing. But, companies still need talented people - those that bring in more than they cost. So, that is the value I would bring to a company, and will demonstrate that quickly once I land.

My wife is off on Friday, and it is nice to have company during the day. She remains very supportive, and my time off has deepened the respect and love I have for her. I was the earner for so long, and stripped of my status as a worker, I am lost. She has helped me understand this is but a temporary situation and I will be better for it. I am lucky to have her, as she is truly my better half.

so, there is this week's revelation.

good luck all, and have a good weekend.


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