Saturday - still a day to catch up

Because I am consulting this week, I have to use Saturday for all the things that don't get done during the week. That is what I miss about not working. Having too much time to do laundry, grocery shop, clean the house. Having a full plate on Saturday provides the structure that reinforces that, at least for awhile, I am a member of the club. The club of people with jobs. I must admit, I have relaxed my search the last 2 weeks, but had some productive conversations with recruiters. They didn't have an appropriate role at present, but it feels good to make a new connection with someone that sounds like they will help.
About a month ago, I spoke with 2 contract agencies about temporary projects. They sounded like they had a match, then nothing. I wish those filling positions understood the desparation of the job seeker. Would it put them out tremendously to return a call or email asking for status?
There is no professional consideration anymore. We are supposed to be conditioned to accept the lack of professional courtesy as a by-product of the bad economy I guess.
such a shame.


  1. Dave,

    I agree.

    It sounds like what you're asking for is simply that everyone involved in the job search process (e.g., candidates, HR, recruiters, Hiring Managers) remember that it's not about jobs only; it's also about people.

    Yes, it's probably tough to remember that at times with packed schedules and meetings to run to and calls to return (hopefully). But most important is the humanity involved.

    The one thing I would ask everyone on the other side of the job search desk is this: "If you were to lose your job tomorrow, how would you hope to be treated in trying to find a new one?"

    Thanks for reminding us, Dave!


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