It ain't just me after all.

Yesterday (Sunday) I was reading the letters to the editor in the Tribune. I glanced at the first note and began reading it. It was the first hand story of another professional that had been downsized. It was a very well written piece; very clearly presenting the story of yet another professional being affected by this dreadful economy. Not just a number, but from a guy with kids, a mortgage, and other commitments. The author's picture printed next to the letter hammered home the point that this is not a faceless, anonymous problem. It affects almost all of us, our family, friends and neighbors. Here was another guy who probably had a lousy holiday because of his situation.

Because this letter was so eerily similar to my own experience, I reached out to the writer (Jim Warda) on LinkedIn, and had occasion to speak with him on the phone this afternoon. It was time very well spent. Our situations were almost identical. Our road to unemployment the same. Jim's attitude and midset were positive, and he remarked that if he started a business, he would staff it with professionals that had been through downsizing because they would truly understand how valuable a job is and would be sympatheic to the plight of the job seeker. In the couse of a 30 minute discussion, we compared notes, talked about the state of things, basically commiserated. Jim commented that a blog like this could be more of a resource for the downsized professional. There are plenty of networking groups and other job search resources out there, but this blog is a place for a bit of the softer side. A place to read the comments of others WHO FEEL EXACTLY LIKE YOU DO. That there are many people sitting at their home computer slinging off resumes to jobs vaguely fitting what they once did. Feeling lost, purposeless. I know I do, and I suspect that would describe most of us.

So, I will do a better job in this blog with some suggestions, constructive recommendations, etc. Feel free to post a comment if you have a lead you are chasing or a company you need info on. There are many, many talented people in our boat. Together, we are a pretty formidable bunch. Let's use our talent for the benefit of someone that can use it.

Jim - it was good meeting you. A link to your letter is pasted below. The more people that read this, the better. If only to know there is nothing to be ashamed of. This is but a temporary bump in the road.

So, something good DID happen today.,0,93 3954.story


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