Thursday - weather cold, job activity thawing somewhat

Due to the weather, school was cancelled, so it is a good thing I could be home with my son. Of course, I am on the computer, and he is downstairs playing xbox - but we are under the same roof.
I got an offer to work a 3 week project at a company I interviewed with. I am looking forward to being busy and doing productive work. I am going to show this organization that they need me long term. I have been doing research on documentation so I can go beyond their expectations.
I am going downtown tomorrow for an interview at a recruiting firm for a position that is right up my alley. Hopefully it will lead to an interview with their client seeking to fill the position. And Tuesday, another meeting with a recruiter that was a referral from my network. So, if nothing else, I am busy with some different activities. and excited to be that way.
I guess the "10 no's" principle still holds, although in this market it is probably more like the "20 no's".
see you tomorrow.


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