Monday - MLK day, day 1 of temp project

Monday morning. No school for my son, and my daughter heads back to school today. I am starting a project today for a company I interviewed with. I am going to really dig in and deliver a nice analysis. My strategy will be to show what value can be realized with a longer term relationship. So, I am excited that I will be busy and interacting with other professionals all day.
But, the search continues. I am a valuable asset, and some company will be fortunate to find that out.
A recruiter I spoke with last week stressed the importance of networking - making calls, scheduling meeting, joining LinkedIn groups. I joined a number of groups that I have an interest in, and am actively seeking networking opportunities. It is a challenge, since so many professionals are feeling stressed about their own jobs. But, as a friend once said "there is never a time when no one is hiring". The challenge is to find out who that is.
Happy Monday.


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