Wednesday - and more snow

I feel like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window. I sit at my computer all day doing the job search, and looking out the window. It seems like the winter has been going on forever. Too much snow. I am waiting for a call that is now an hour late, and at some point have to go out and clear the snow. And the temperature is supposed to plummet tonight.

The search grinds on. I have spoken to 2 contract firms lately and am waiting for a response, as well as a follow up to an interview I had that may result in a trial consulting project. So I am doing some research and brushing up on my documentation skills. A nice diversion. I will take a pass on my daily trip to the store, with the weather as bad as it is.

Spoke with a few colleagues from a few jobs. things are the same all over. it seems like a general malaise has drifted over all organizations. Does anyone know anyone who feels secure and satisfied with their job? Let's hope as the winter moves on and passes into spring, the collective mood, mindset and morale of this country brightens up along with the weather.


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