Thursday Evening

still making good progress on my project. then, the apprehension always creeps in that when it is done, I will be back scratching in the dirt. but if it is to be, it is to be. I have been talking to recruiters who maintain that I should be getting more interviews than I have been getting. probably true, since I have been getting none. but with job cuts as prevalent as they have been this week, I suspect no one is getting much traction. but the numbers are startling. how did we get here? who fell asleep at the switch? and why are wall street firms paying billions in bonuses. to keep their good workers??? I was a good worker and all it got me was laid off. so, let's hope some oversight is placed on those leeches.
anyway, enough pontificating. much to do.

have a good evening. the Office is a rerun. I suppose I should be networking and doing all the things the recruiters have been telling me to do......or, maybe I will watch an Office rerun.
have a good evening, all. think good thoughts. hug your kids.

and remember, this too shall pass.


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