
Showing posts from March, 2013

Easter Sunday - March 31

Remember when.... Easter was the most solemn Catholic holiday...Jesus died for our sins on Friday was reborn on Sunday....a joyous holiday...everyone dressed up in their easter finery.....then the scandal exposing priests as an organized group of child molesters....that pretty much did it for me and recoginzing Catholocism as the way of God.  Remember when.... downtown Chicago was a place to go and look at the tall buildings.  look at the hustle and bustle.  look at a city that worked.  now this: mobs of wild, uncivilized urban youths descending on the loop and attacking all in their way.  of course, it is not reported as if it were a heinous crime like someone getting slow service at Denny's. wow - America has become a shithole beyond salvation, hasn't it?  and we have 4 more years of social justice to look forward to. Happy Easter, all.

Saturday, March 30

still chilly out there.  the weather is going to be cold for the Sox opener on Monday.  baseball starts a month too early and ends a month too late.   day 8 of the health club.  I didn't do much yesterday, so I will push it a bit today.  I used the new grill yesterday - very nice.  once I took the grates off the old one to move it, I could see it was pretty much done.  8 years of cooking hamburgers will do that.  hopefully the new one will last 8 years.  will any of us last the next 8 years?  the golf swing is coming along.  well, at least hitting balls in an inflated dome.  playing on a real course will be the true test, and with the weather we are having, it may be july before we play for real.  or fo realz.  our president says America can do better.  does he mean we can do better at picking a president? he has a plan to spend and upgrade infrastructure.  good idea, but when all our money is spen

Friday, March 29

Good Friday.  I remember when, at catholic school, Good Friday was a big deal.  now, not so much. day 7 in a row at the health club.  last day of vacation.  back to the grind monday.  and 2013 will be 25%  did I ever tell you how fast time flies????  maybe I did. besides me and Kazz, there probably aren't too many Get a Life fans out there.  there was an episode where Chris orders a submarine, and 10 years later a huge box is delivered to his house.  he opens the box and hundreds of parts fall out.....I just spent about 3 hours putting a new gas grill together, and that is what it felt like.  the grill looks great in the store, and when you buy it, they bring out a huge box.  when you get home and open the box, you quickly realize what hell you have taken on.  but it is together.  and ready for use.  grilling....just the right thing to do with your idle hand while drinking beer.  excuse me for missing the point, but what was wrong with the guy on the college bba

Thursday, March 28

My week off is slipping away.  I guess I should keep my streak of consecutive days to the health club alive....5 and counting.  remember during the presidential campaign, michelle obama touting obamacare, saying "the medical tests will be available at no extra cost"? well, look at the story here: i guess in her world, the cost to a parasite will not go up...because those who are actually paying for things will just cover the cost of the parasites.  just like a cell phone will be available to parasites at no extra cost - because the rest of us (the 50% actually paying for things that they use or consume) will be taxed so their parasitic lifestyle continues unabated.  we, in no way, want our parasites to feel any obligation to pay for their own keep.  that goes agaist the credo of parasites.  our parasites are entitled and aggressive.  and they demand what they

Tuesday, March 26

The sun is out, but still too chilly to golf.  I have been working on my taxes and was ready to efile, but i kept getting an exception. so, I called the ss number and was told my ss# did not match the ss on file...which makes sense SINCE I HAVE ONLY HAD THAT NUMBER FOR 52 YEARS.  so, they told me I had to go to an ss office to get the change made, so I can pay my fair share.   so, I go there, park and walk in.  and every one of the 100+ chairs in there occupied by a non-american.  obama's amerika...welcome to it.   i would imagine not too many were there to get set up to start paying taxes.  these were the new crop of parasites...climb aboard, all....plenty of welfare and phones for you. what a shithole this country has become.  I suppose michelle obama is proud of it...or, she will be when she gets back from vacation.  again...america - what a shithole it has become...well, 47% of it, anyway.  but, obama will shit all over the rest of it before his disasterous term ends in

Monday, March 25

we're in the home stretch of March.  just feels like January.  and I am off this week and can enjoy this shit weather.  but, good to be off.  maybe I will clean out the garage.  I was at the heath club at 7 am today, so that is a start.  didn't do much when I was there, but I was there.  if you haven't seen "Alone in the Wilderness" I highly recommed it.  a guy that spent years alone in the wilderness, dropped trees, made logs, built a cabin, and lived up in Alaska for decades.  watch it - it is a fascinating film. so on Saturday, I was going to use 8 landscape timbers I had, cut 2 in half (with a power saw) and make a planter box, just in case it ever warms up I can plant the pumpkin seeds to be dug up by squirrels.  but anyway, after cutting 2 timbers, drilling a few holes, and screwing the now 8 pieces of wood together, I was ready to take a break.  watch the film and see what this guy gets done.  anyway, day

Sunday, March 24

I haven't posted since Wednesday.  time just gets away if you let it.  still no sign of spring.  may snow today.  enough already.  I'm off this week.  weather will suck, but it will be good to be off.  maybe I will find something constructive to do.  or not. funny how obama weighs in on the trayvon martin case, but nary a peep when a white, defenseless baby is shot by a black kid for no reason. as I have written before, scumbaggery knows no race - there are shitbags of all colors.  but, why would the president have an opinion on one situation, but none on a similar, yet reversed circumstance?  I guess the baby is too young to be part of the 47% or to rely on govt handouts and free phones. what a godless shithole this country has become.  the days of the norman rockwell america are gone forever.  those nice paintings rockwell must have offended the 47% of the population that are parasites.

Wednesday, March 20

you know, with my fascination with the pig smell contest of the kardashian sluts, I forgot to note that Tuesday was my 30th wedding anniversary.  30 years.  that is a long time.  almost as long as 31 years, if you think about it. the passage of time...i have been at my job for 4 years now.  that time flew by.  I was out of work for 6 months before I started this job.  you wonder at our age how many 6 month blocks we have left, or 4 year blocks, or 30 year blocks....not enough.  I saw a story that Tina Fey is still doing that tired Sarah Palin impression.  Sarah Palin should paint a giant scar on her face and do a tina fey impression.  but the liberals would probably find that offensive.  anyway, it's thursday.  the first day of march madness.  and the weather still sucks. 

Tuesday, March 19

author's note - I apologize in advance for the following posting.  it is vulgar and unnecessary.  but, as I have written before, the kardashians are symbolic of everything wrong with this country.  here goes: I don't watch the show, so I have to rely on what is on the internet, but apparently on the kardashian show the other night, 2 of the tramps had some kind of contest to see how their lady bits smelled.  is this what now passes for entertainment?  ick....  so, I have written some dialog that should have been included, had I been asked to write for this god awful assault on america's sensibilities. note - I will use "K word" instead of "C word"  ok - here goes....and I will not be annotating who said what, but their names all start with a K..... "Kim, your K word smells like Krap" "Kourtney, your K word smells like a Karp" "

Monday, March 18

back to work...and the day is half over.  lunchtime now.  I have a glimmer of a chance of being motivated enough to go to the health club tonight and do 30 minutes on the eliptical.  i need to do something to start losing weight.  of course, I have a bunch of emails telling me what miracle pills I can buy to make the pounds melt off...just melt off.  maybe I will buy those pills and watch the pounds melt away.  can you believe there are people that buy those pills believing that taking the pills will help them lose weight? that is as sad as a guy that takes one golf lesson and thinks his scores will improve.  dumbasses, all. 

Sunday, March 17

is is chilly outside.  and last year it was 80.  and last year I weighed less than I do this year.  so there.  the universe is now back in balance. getting ready to go to my son's basketball banquet.  that season sure flew by.  the weekend is drawing to a close.  dinner, then family guy, then wake up on the couch at 11 or so, and go to bed. much time, and so little done.....I mean so little time and so much to do.  I did get to the health club both days.  and hit some golf balls this morning.  the lesson last week may have done some good.  I might go from really sucking at golf, to just sucking.  I am so excited about the suckage reduction.  loyal readers of this blog, and I know there are none, will recognize my statement: "the older I get, the better I used to be" and now a corollary: "the longer I go without playing golf, the better I am at golf" Kevin...Kent....and anyone else that golfs, I defy you to disagree.... and on to Ra

Friday, March 15

gray and raining today.  better than snow.  not as good as sunny and the 80s.  so there. finally friday.  and home from work now.  and having a beer now.  so everything is looking up.  at least for the next 2 days.  we were not busy at work today, and that was good after the killer week we had.  the payroll business is like that.  all jobs are like that.  i brought a backgammon board to work.  I hadn't played backgammon in years, maybe decades.  you don't forget how to play.  a few coworkers have learned, and we play.  and I win.  but they will catch up like they did on the foosball table.  I can still kick butt when I try, but at this age....why try?  maybe I should make a t-shirt with that slogan..."why try?"   has a ring to it, doesn't it?  anyway, here I sit at the computer where it all started.  watching it rain.  but not job searching.  for all the bitching about my job that I do, it is nice to not have to be job searching 20 hrs a day.  and anyone wh

Wednesday, March 13

no sign of spring yet.  this winter sucks. now, count me among the cynical, or the disinterested, but why all the hoopla about the selection of the new pope?  I was raised Catholic, but with all the allegations, proven and otherwise, about sexual abuse by priests, I lost interest in being a practicing catholic.  how can a group, priests, have as an apparent goal, to sexually abuse as many boys as possible.  then ask the followers to contribute money which was later used to pay victims of their godlessness?  I have always hated nuns for their nastiness - to me, they were an angry bunch that should not have been around kids either.  couple them with a bunch of pedophile priests, and you really have a sorry bunch running the show.  so, electing a guy to the most holy position of the church, to me, is like electing a guy as the drunkest dude in the bar.  if nothing else, we Americans have proven that we are an easy group to be taken advantage of.  we elected and re-elected a president

Tuesday, March 12

still not spring - chilly and a dusting of snow this morning.  too dark in the morning too - we sprang ahead too quickly. there was a terrible story about a 6 month old girl in chicago that was shot and killed.  the suspects each have multiple arrests and had been paroled before this crime.  we have no problem putting the hosebag lindsay lohan on trial year after year, throwing martha steward or nicole ritchie in jail, but human filth like this shooter can be walking the street after commiting violent crimes.  time for more speeding and red light cameras.  what a mess.  what a shitty society we have built, huh?

Monday, March 11

the time change has really tired me out.  if not that, then something else has.  maybe the weather.  or maybe just old age.  at any rate, I am dragging today.  but, it is raining, and that beats snow.  I have done the new golf swing - without a club, more than a few times since the lesson saturday.  very awkward.  but so is my old swing.  either I commit to the new swing full time, or revert back to the old one.  something tells me I will revert.  I will find something else to blame my bad play on. I see that over 47 million people in the US are on food stamps.  that is progress.  by 2016, that number should double.  our fair share will skyrocket.  social justice.....we be screwed.

Saturday, March 9

spring ahead like a lion...oh wait - I mixed my metaphors.  but turn the clocks ahead tonight and change the batteries in everything you have that uses batteries - why stop at the smoke detector?  toothbrushes need batteries too.  this weather is good for nothing.  lots of melting going on, but it will be a mess for a few weeks now.  I took a golf lesson today.  it is strange - you play golf a certain way for years, then you pay someone to tell you to do everything differently.  change your grip, your stance, your feet....pretty soon he will tell me to lose weight.  but, he was a pro, and I shoot 25 over par.  so I gave him money in the futile hopes that my score will improve.  kind of like a butt ugly girl going to a beauty shop and expecting to walk out beautiful.  or something like that.  but, I am committed.  oh..and I need to take more lessons.  watch your ass, Kevin - nothing but in bounds and on in regulation this year.  hockey season is half over.  selection sunday next

Friday, March 8

spring ahead tomorrow...we made it this far through the suckass winter.  my golf lesson is tomorrow.  I expect the golf pro to take a look at my swing and declare me a lost cause.  and recommend I not use ProV1 balls lest I go broke. made it to friday. always a good thing.  perhaps I need to bitch less and work more.  I suppose that is the way out of a rut....shut the eff up and do what you do.  maybe the winter casts a pall on all of us who cannot golf but yearn to golf.  listening to Tubular Bells....album from the 70s...40 years ago.  wow...are we that old?  and Kevin...yes - I remember listening to that in Douglas hall. 

Thursday, March 7

I got lazy and have not posted for a few days...actually not lazy, but crazy.  we had a blizzard on Tuesday, as usual, every department but mine did not show for work.  I had 2 people get in an accident trying to get to work while the rest of the do nothings were home watching tv.  best places to work...sure.  what a joke. but, we got our work done, as we always do.  the rest of the shitbirds reported to work yesterday.  I have had it with this winter.  enough already.  I did, however, make a reservatioin for the golf lesson I got on groupon this winter.  the healing starts saturday.  after one lesson, I should be booming my drives 300 yards and straight, and hitting every green on my second shot, right?  one lesson should do it.  or maybe 100 lessons....I suck.  but, we shall see.  anyway, on to always, as much as I complain, it is good to have something to do.  maybe I am just one of those people that complain a lot....or maybe one of those that call it like I see i

Monday, March 4

supposed to be a big snowstorm tomorrow.  enough already.  we need spring, and soon. the sequester continues...and Americans have been warned that we will suffer with longer tsa lines, border crossings, etc...take your ass rapin and don't complain.  the 47% of the population that are parasites better not suffer though.  but, what's this????  banana jawed john kerry went to egypt and gave them a quarter billion dollars...MONEY WE DON'T HAVE.  it's bad enough the ghost moose is full of parasites and slowly being bled is worse that we go out of our way to add more parasites to an already full host....what will the parasites do for survival when the host dies?  we'll probably be finding out, and in short order. what a mess...if only we had a leader that knew how to lead.

Sunday, March 3

still winter.  supposed to snow tomorrow night again.  but, we have to be getting close to of these weeks.... I forgot to comment last week about a story I saw that Chicago is going to put the denver boot on cars for any outstanding debt the owner has with the city.  when does it end?  this morning when I drove to the store, I saw 6 palatine cop cars, and 3 had drivers pulled over, probably for some chickenshit infraction.  when does it end?  on my short drive to work, through a very safe, quite neighborhood, there are always cops hiding on the cross street waiting to stop cars going a mile or 2 over the limit.  get used to it - the very govt that is responsible for the survival of countless parasites has become the parasitic drain on the few taxpayers left.  red light cameras, speed cameras, random traffic stops...where does it all end? what an effing mess we have on our hands. 

Friday, March 1

cold and some flurries this morning. March comes in like a lion, and hopefully out like a lamb.  we shall see. the tax on a pack of cigarettes went up a dollar today.  so the price of a pack is over 10 bucks.  since I don't smoke, I don't care, but when is enough enough?  next the tax on alcohol, a vice that many more people indulge in, will begin to skyrocket.  and, we are nearing the "sky is falling" deadline because the federal govt is leaderless and cannot exercise fiscal restraint.  what a mess.  too bad we don't have a president that knows how to preside.  lay blame and play golf, yes....lead the country - not so much.  what we all need is to see michelle on more tv shows doing silly dances...that will distract us from how bad things are, right?