Friday, March 15

gray and raining today.  better than snow.  not as good as sunny and the 80s.  so there.

finally friday.  and home from work now.  and having a beer now.  so everything is looking up.  at least for the next 2 days.  we were not busy at work today, and that was good after the killer week we had.  the payroll business is like that.  all jobs are like that. 

i brought a backgammon board to work.  I hadn't played backgammon in years, maybe decades.  you don't forget how to play.  a few coworkers have learned, and we play.  and I win.  but they will catch up like they did on the foosball table.  I can still kick butt when I try, but at this age....why try?  maybe I should make a t-shirt with that slogan..."why try?"   has a ring to it, doesn't it? 

anyway, here I sit at the computer where it all started.  watching it rain.  but not job searching.  for all the bitching about my job that I do, it is nice to not have to be job searching 20 hrs a day.  and anyone who has been out of a job knows what I mean. 

so....onward.  a weekend of catching up on my usual stuff....lifting weights (but oddly, no ab work), wal mart, grocery store, starting to clean up outside....actually, just walking around outside looking at things I should clean up if I was actually going to clean something up, but really won't be cleaning anything up.  hitting golf balls with K. 

wow.  I have a lot of things to do.  really important things.  not.  anyway, have a good weekend.  let me know if you find the golf skills I have somehow lost.  and I found the weight you lost.  you bastards.


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