Friday, March 1

cold and some flurries this morning. March comes in like a lion, and hopefully out like a lamb.  we shall see.

the tax on a pack of cigarettes went up a dollar today.  so the price of a pack is over 10 bucks.  since I don't smoke, I don't care, but when is enough enough?  next the tax on alcohol, a vice that many more people indulge in, will begin to skyrocket.  and, we are nearing the "sky is falling" deadline because the federal govt is leaderless and cannot exercise fiscal restraint.  what a mess.  too bad we don't have a president that knows how to preside.  lay blame and play golf, yes....lead the country - not so much.  what we all need is to see michelle on more tv shows doing silly dances...that will distract us from how bad things are, right?


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