Sunday, March 17

is is chilly outside.  and last year it was 80.  and last year I weighed less than I do this year.  so there.  the universe is now back in balance.

getting ready to go to my son's basketball banquet.  that season sure flew by.  the weekend is drawing to a close.  dinner, then family guy, then wake up on the couch at 11 or so, and go to bed. much time, and so little done.....I mean so little time and so much to do.  I did get to the health club both days.  and hit some golf balls this morning.  the lesson last week may have done some good.  I might go from really sucking at golf, to just sucking.  I am so excited about the suckage reduction. 

loyal readers of this blog, and I know there are none, will recognize my statement:

"the older I get, the better I used to be"

and now a corollary:

"the longer I go without playing golf, the better I am at golf"

Kevin...Kent....and anyone else that golfs, I defy you to disagree....

and on to Ram for dinner.


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