Thursday, March 7

I got lazy and have not posted for a few days...actually not lazy, but crazy.  we had a blizzard on Tuesday, as usual, every department but mine did not show for work.  I had 2 people get in an accident trying to get to work while the rest of the do nothings were home watching tv.  best places to work...sure.  what a joke.

but, we got our work done, as we always do.  the rest of the shitbirds reported to work yesterday. 

I have had it with this winter.  enough already.  I did, however, make a reservatioin for the golf lesson I got on groupon this winter.  the healing starts saturday.  after one lesson, I should be booming my drives 300 yards and straight, and hitting every green on my second shot, right?  one lesson should do it.  or maybe 100 lessons....I suck.  but, we shall see. 

anyway, on to always, as much as I complain, it is good to have something to do.  maybe I am just one of those people that complain a lot....or maybe one of those that call it like I see it.

you decide which is right...and which is an illusion....(ok - who knows what song that is from?)


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