Tuesday, March 19

author's note - I apologize in advance for the following posting.  it is vulgar and unnecessary.  but, as I have written before, the kardashians are symbolic of everything wrong with this country.  here goes:


I don't watch the show, so I have to rely on what is on the internet, but apparently on the kardashian show the other night, 2 of the tramps had some kind of contest to see how their lady bits smelled.  is this what now passes for entertainment?  ick....  so, I have written some dialog that should have been included, had I been asked to write for this god awful assault on america's sensibilities.

note - I will use "K word" instead of "C word"  ok - here goes....and I will not be annotating who said what, but their names all start with a K.....

"Kim, your K word smells like Krap"
"Kourtney, your K word smells like a Karp"
"Kloe, your K word smells like Klamydia....are you sure you don't have Kancer?"
"Kourtney, quit Klowing around"
"Kim - take your K word and go have sex with some black men"

(author's note: did you notice how I used the letter K a lot???)

another zany episodes of the kardashian klan. 

america - we are fucked when this passes as entertainment. 

you must admit, I would be an asset if writing for that show.


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