Saturday, March 9

spring ahead like a lion...oh wait - I mixed my metaphors.  but turn the clocks ahead tonight and change the batteries in everything you have that uses batteries - why stop at the smoke detector?  toothbrushes need batteries too. 

this weather is good for nothing.  lots of melting going on, but it will be a mess for a few weeks now. 

I took a golf lesson today.  it is strange - you play golf a certain way for years, then you pay someone to tell you to do everything differently.  change your grip, your stance, your feet....pretty soon he will tell me to lose weight.  but, he was a pro, and I shoot 25 over par.  so I gave him money in the futile hopes that my score will improve.  kind of like a butt ugly girl going to a beauty shop and expecting to walk out beautiful.  or something like that.  but, I am committed.  oh..and I need to take more lessons.  watch your ass, Kevin - nothing but in bounds and on in regulation this year. 

hockey season is half over.  selection sunday next week.  my son is done with bball for the year....soon 2013 will be a quarter over.  blink and you'll miss it.


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