Tuesday, March 26

The sun is out, but still too chilly to golf.  I have been working on my taxes and was ready to efile, but i kept getting an exception. so, I called the ss number and was told my ss# did not match the ss on file...which makes sense SINCE I HAVE ONLY HAD THAT NUMBER FOR 52 YEARS.  so, they told me I had to go to an ss office to get the change made, so I can pay my fair share.  

so, I go there, park and walk in.  and every one of the 100+ chairs in there occupied by a non-american.  obama's amerika...welcome to it.   i would imagine not too many were there to get set up to start paying taxes.  these were the new crop of parasites...climb aboard, all....plenty of welfare and phones for you.

what a shithole this country has become.  I suppose michelle obama is proud of it...or, she will be when she gets back from vacation. 

again...america - what a shithole it has become...well, 47% of it, anyway.  but, obama will shit all over the rest of it before his disasterous term ends in 2016.   until then, we are screwed. 

now, pay your fair share.  the newly arrived parasites need it.  i could see it in their parasitic eyes.


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