Sunday, March 24

I haven't posted since Wednesday.  time just gets away if you let it.  still no sign of spring.  may snow today.  enough already. 
I'm off this week.  weather will suck, but it will be good to be off.  maybe I will find something constructive to do.  or not.

funny how obama weighs in on the trayvon martin case, but nary a peep when a white, defenseless baby is shot by a black kid for no reason. as I have written before, scumbaggery knows no race - there are shitbags of all colors.  but, why would the president have an opinion on one situation, but none on a similar, yet reversed circumstance?  I guess the baby is too young to be part of the 47% or to rely on govt handouts and free phones.

what a godless shithole this country has become.  the days of the norman rockwell america are gone forever.  those nice paintings rockwell must have offended the 47% of the population that are parasites.


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