Wednesday, March 13

no sign of spring yet.  this winter sucks.

now, count me among the cynical, or the disinterested, but why all the hoopla about the selection of the new pope?  I was raised Catholic, but with all the allegations, proven and otherwise, about sexual abuse by priests, I lost interest in being a practicing catholic.  how can a group, priests, have as an apparent goal, to sexually abuse as many boys as possible.  then ask the followers to contribute money which was later used to pay victims of their godlessness?  I have always hated nuns for their nastiness - to me, they were an angry bunch that should not have been around kids either.  couple them with a bunch of pedophile priests, and you really have a sorry bunch running the show.  so, electing a guy to the most holy position of the church, to me, is like electing a guy as the drunkest dude in the bar. 

if nothing else, we Americans have proven that we are an easy group to be taken advantage of.  we elected and re-elected a president that is unqualified.  we continue to fund a church that has committed unspeakable crimes against innocent boys.  we are the very definition of sheeple.

I'll probably go to hell for writing this.  but my God knows I am right. and he told me it is ok, and He told me to watch nfl pregame shows and nascar pre-race shows on sunday morning instead of going to church.  and so I shall...and so I must. 


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