
Showing posts from February, 2013

Wednesday, Feb 27

that snowstorm made a mess of things.  but it is melting today, so all will soon be well.  I am still counting on golfing in March.  here are a couple good stories.... the ceo of Yahoo is making remote employees now work in the office. but she has a nursery built next to her office, presumably to preserve her work/life balance.  I won't even mention that she was pregnant when hired, and had a leave right after starting.  I love when leadership of a company has one set of rules for them, and one set of rules for the people that do the work.  work/life balance, best places to work awards....really good ideas until a company realizes they need to treat their workers like dirt to get the job done.  know anyone that works at a place like that?  I do.  we all do.  we all work at a place like that. and then there is editing out Michelle obama'

Tuesday, Feb 26

supposed to snow later.  this is the point of winter when I've had enough.  ready for winter to be done.  but, it is February, so we should expect a few more weeks of suckage. I got a laugh out of this story: high school kids putting on boxing gloves AND BOXING!!!!!  oh my god...our little snowflakes punching each other......when I was a kid, growing up in Chicago, we boxed all the time.  someone would have gloves from their dad's time in the service, and we would lace them up and box.  Punch like crazy for 30 seconds then just stand and pant.  We also had boxing night in boy scouts - the leaders would match you up with another kid, and we'd box.  the kids who did not want to fight would be sick that it would be a national story..... in addition to being a country loaded with parasites, we have also become pussified.  but, who needs to know how to box when you coul

Monday, Feb 25

the sun is coming up earlier now, and staying up later in the day.  the time change is in 2 weeks, so that will be good.  daylight until after 6 pm.  the rhetoric continues...tens of thousands of job cuts happening due to our messiah's failure to lead....his failure to organize like he organized communities low those years ago.  so, jobs will be cut....this, after a multimillion dollar weekend last week where we sent moochelle and the kids on a ski vacation while our leader went golfing to florida.  did we cut those vacations?  nah...did we cut aid to illegals - why, no.  but let's cut tax paying jobs. if you have no leader, expect not to be led.

Sunday, Feb 24

sunday...still cold, but the nascar season starts today...and will end in November.  the crash yesterday was pretty bad.  imagine getting seats near the finish line and having a tire end up in your lap.  that is why I will be watching the race from my couch with the remote in hand. looks like the sequester will force the govt to cut air control towers and will inconvenience travelers by cutting tsa and leading to 3 hour waits in line. about cutting funding for Obama phones, or aid to illegals, or aid to countries that hate, or aid to banks and other bailed out failed companies? nah....better to screw with middle class travelers than mess with the  data plan of parasitic free phone users. what a mess we are in. but the race starts at noon, so all is well.  until the race ends, anyway.  then we go back to the suck.

Saturday, Feb 23

I thought of this joke when I was leaving the health club today, on my way to the liquor store to by lottery tickets..... q: How can you tell if someone has a job? a: they go to the health club then to the liquor store to buy lottery tickets q: how can you tell if that person with the job needs a new job? a: they are really counting on one of those lottery tickets being a winner, and are bummed when they don't win. hey wait....there is a taylor swift song in there somewhere. but enough of that drivel for now.  Daytona is on tomorrow - the gateway to spring. I will let you know tomorrow if I won the lottery....I probably will win.

Friday, Feb 22

2/, what a cosmic date anomaly.  got to go buy some lottery tickets with random numbers instead of 2s.  off work today.  so, now to fire up the snow blower and do the driveway.  the news has been full of stories of the minor snowfall we had overnight.  much ado about something that happens frequently in the winter. did you pay your fair share?  look at this story: half the homeowners in Detroit did not pay their property taxes.  presumably, their fair share is added to your fair share.  and you and I get to pay it.  that is fair, right?  city services and cell phones aren't free, you know. and then there is this... another kid molested by a TSA scumbag...the race of the child...why, white, of course....did you have to ask? when will we learn to dress like muslims and they will wave us right through security.  mus

Thursday, Feb 21

supposed to snow tonight.  it is winter, but it is getting old.  even though it has not been a bad winter, enough is enough.  look at the news about anything related to DC politics.  Have things ever been worse?  has there ever been a more polarizing figure as president?  or maybe it is always like this, but somehow I doubt it.  fair share....why is the fair share of the middle class a never ending, always expanding fee we must pay for the upkeep of the parasites among us?  we be screwed.

Wednesday, Feb 20

hump day...I hate that term.  but it is mid week.  and cold.  but March is right around the corner...Daytona is Sunday.  so spring is getting here.  I have been on a rampage against an investment advisor I had an account with.  and you can imagine the nice notes he is getting from me.  but I feel ripped off, and I work too hard for my money to have it just go away.  so, I am not letting this drop, regardless of the aggravation of it all.  they messed with the wrong unstable person.  here is another indicator of the ghost moose illegals needn't worry about having them get food stamps affect their immigration status.  after all, we need all the parasite democrat voters we can get. the host is being taken over by parasites...the host will die.

Monday, Feb 18

a week from Friday is March 1....the year 2013 will be 17% completed at that point.  that is crazy.  as I have written before, the US is a ghost moose....a once strong giant riddled with parasites that will ulitimately kill it.  here is a story about the muslim population in europe muslims mocking the working routine of the English, and vowing to take welfare to weaken the country....when the host takes action to strengthen the parasites feeding off the host, death of the host is imminent.  kind of like the USA....illegals, bank bailouts, welfare, you name it - we are on borrowed time.  the 47% need more free stuff.  Monday - a day of suckage.

Sunday, Feb 16

back to the suck tomorrow.   working for a company that keeps score and does the minimum for you should be answered in kind.  which I am doing.  but, as I have said a few million times before, good to be busy.  but, I shall not do more than the minimum until I depart.  and, of course, I expect to be rewarded with the minimum. tit for tat.  quid pro quo.  each yo peez.  the company I work at makes all this noise about being one of the best places to work, etc...but they have become just like every other company.  just in it for  the enrichment of those in a position to be enriched.  and I ain't one of them.  speaking of which, obobo is playing golf on our dime in florida, while his wife and kids are skiing in colorado.  on our dime.  while we all struggle to make ends meet.  how do they get away with this?  i suppose when you are adept at cultivating parasites, those parasites will do what they can to keep you in office.  but eventually the parasites will kill the host, and we ar

Friday, Feb 15

tgif...always good to make it to Friday.  days are getting longer, sun comes up earlier. we are on the backside of winter.  even though it was not a bad winter (yet) it is always good to make it to spring. when I started writing this blog over 4 years ago, I was consumed with finding a job...I had been off 4 months when I started writing daily, and it would be a few more months until I got the job I have now.  maybe it's me, but I have a limited time I can spend at a may have heard the saying "the happiest days of a boat owners life is the day he buys the boat and the day he sells the boat".  kind of the same thing in my case.  I was elated to find a job after being off 7 months, and now am ready to find a new job.  the company I am at is growing, changing, lots of disgruntled employees (like you, CWill).  so I am not alone.  companies going though a growth period expect the workers to work tirelessly...well no more of that bullshit. I just worked 60 - 70 ho

Thursday, Feb 14

Valentines Day - the day that kids USED TO bring in valentines and candy...but then some precious little snowflakes got offended and that had to stop.  Here is a story about Rubio's career being over because he took a drink of water during his response to obamas state of the union speach. was obaba's career over when he consorted with felon Tony Rezko? was his career over when he sealed his records?  was his career over when his wife was disbarred?  was hillary clintons career over when she had Vince Foster killed?  no.  but take a drink of water and the liberals have a field day. and then there is this students forbidden from chanting USA at a sporting event.  but, you can have the puerto rico pride parade, gay pride parade, mexican pride parade...b

Wednesday, Feb 13

Here's a funny one...for you who pay taxes...the 47% of you providing for the 53% of the layabouts: African Americans are concerned about obama's catering to the illegal hispanic population.  as if someone will get more free stuff than someone 2 ex wives fighting each other for more money from the single ex husband.  Not that African Americans as a whole are looking for free stuff, but there is a segment of every demographic who survives solely by looking for a handout - white, black, brown, whatever.....we have become an embarassing country.  our standards are low, and being lowered by the day.  no failing grades given to failing students, every kid on a losing sports team getting a trophy....let's reward failure, shall we??  and who will pay??? why, the 47% of us who are dumb enough to have a get back to the job or you will be thrown in a debtors prison...that

Tuesday, Feb 12

I forgot to mention that the grammys were on Sunday night....and the opening act was no other than Taylor Swift, singing the crappy "we will never, ever, ever, get back together" with a bunch of clowns......apparently she said something about the gay guy that she was supposed to be dating, but wasn't this song written about one of the 50 guys that she "dated" for a week, then stalked?  such nonsense.  who would "date" that dingbat?  or, perhaps, she is just a beard.... check out this story: I need to have Taylor help me write a song about my heartbreak of Kate Upton being 6 years younger than my daughter. and people get rich peddling crap like that.  did you see the story that Makers Mark bourbon is going to water down their product because they can't keep up with demand?  lower the bar - that is america these days.  don't expand production  - add water to the product and the booze hogs will

Monday, Feb 11

Back to work Monday.  really windy out there today.  beats the weather they got on the east coast. you have to love this story from the sun times about how the failure of emanuel and mccarthy to curb gun violence is an issue: how many other failures have led to gun violence?  failure of the parents?  failure to stop giving money that can be spent on guns?  failure of the parents to send them to school?  failure of the family unit? what a crock.  accept no blame.  take, take, take.

Saturday/Sunday Feb 9 - 10

I bought some Pabst Blue Ribbon beer today.  quite good....whatta have?  Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer  (check youtube for the commercial) ok...I give.  I am an old man....Kate Upton will be on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition...Kate Upton...the current hot chick...who happens to be halfway between the ages of my own kids...she is the age of the middle kid I never had.  that is effed up.

Friday, Feb 8

finally Friday.  what a long week.  but, since I am always complaining about time passing too quickly, having a week seem like a long week is a good thing.  so there.  our brilliant governor is proposing that illinois raise the minimum wage from $8.50/hr to $10/hr.  what a genius - as if companies are not leaving Illinois fast enough, that should really pick up the pace of the exudus. progress on the pension mess.  jesse jackson jr is going to the big house.  another illinois elected official.  big surprise.  and then there is this story - people getting through tsa lines with library cards...costco membership cards something tells me they weren't white males getting through with those documents.  happy friday.  have a good weekend.  I know I will.  what am I doing, though???

Wednesday, Feb 6

a few gems I missed yesterday The first, about a cook county judge, who was found not guilty by way of insanity for an assault charge...and she keeps getting re-elected....and she has been found unfit to serve...and she keeps getting re-elected by her constituants who are more mental jovial than she is...and she continues to draw $182 grand salary...even though she is fucking nuts and cannot do her job.,0,4650836.story and then there is leon panetta, sec of defense....who flies from DC to his home in California every weekend at a cost to you and I of $32 grand per weekend.  but he does reimburse us $629 per trip... that is some fair share, huh??? so much for "if you like your job, live near your job, if you like where you live, work near where you live".  that is for the little people.  panetta ne

Tuesday, Feb 5

remember the outrage that erupted when the story broke about the terrorists in guantanimo being waterboarded to get them to talk?  how inhumane....torturing terrorists to get info so more Americans would not get killed.  then there is this: using drones to kill american citizens.  but, it is our messiah that is doing it, so, not a peep from the media.  had it been bush, the whining would be deafening.  4 more years of social justice.  have you learned spanish yet?  because that will be our national language...that, and eacho peez. 

Monday, Feb 4

well, I failed at having a headache this morning.  it is hard to whoop it up for a game you don't care about on a sunday night.  the fact that I had to go and run the snowblower at 6:30 am was an added bonus to not feeling bad.  I have had my workout for the day.  the super bowl commercials were not funny in the least.  I wonder how many guys are walking around their office in shame today...the commercial they spent millions on was ridiculed by the critics.  so, the nfl season is over.  spring training starts in 2 weeks.  then nascar.  then, hopefully, spring gets here.  todays weather absolutely sucks.  Monday....and now to work.

Sunday, Feb 3 - Super Bowl prep

I have taken a break from making my chili to post this advice.  If you are going to be drinking beer during the game, start drinking now.  if you are going with hard liquor, wait a bit, then start.  you need to be prepped and primed for the first wave of commercials after the 5:30 kickoff.  in all liklihood, most will be unfunny failures, but you will laugh because you were drinking 3 1/2 hrs prior to kickoff.  also, if you are at a gathering and there are any square pools,  or bets of any kind, participate.  if the game sucks, you at least might win some dough.    me - I am going to lay on the couch and hope my brother stops by with wings.  if not, I will drink the number of beers equal to the number of wings I would have eaten if my brother had stopped by. that's about it.  enjoy the game, and I hope your headache is worse than mine is tomorrow morning.  I am predicting a doozer for me, so that would mean you would have to be pretty close to death.  I dare ya.

Saturday, Feb 2

Groundhog day...we keep waking up in the middle of huge suckage.  the weather sucks, the economy sucks, we seem to have elected the same failure for a president for which we just ate four years of shit last time we elected.  but, the illegals can now claim benefits that we, the taxpayers, will pay for.  and obama care- we will pay for the healthcare the parasites cannot pay for..since they are too busy using their link cards, that we paid for, to buy stuff that we, the taxpayers cannot afford.  what a fucking mess.  is this a joke, or is it groundhog day?  at some point will we wake up and find we did not elect a community organizer whose wife parades around in a silly clown wig and we watch what we have worked so hard to build be struck down in the name of social justice?  i have never been less proud of my country.  and we get to endure 4 more years of this ass rape.  nice job, women voters - you are responsible for getting barry reelected.   the next four years are on you. anyway

Friday, Feb 1 month closer to spring.  we played golf around March 25 or so last year, so if we get lucky this year, we are getting there.  Daytona 500 in a few weeks.  the start of a 10 month NASCAR season.  This winter has been livable.  not much snow - yet.  it went from 65 the other day to minus 1 this morning.  that is some swing. got my property tax bill....those public pensions gotta be paid.  I can't wait to move out of this shit state.  super bowl weekend...big deal.  but I will watch for the commercials, and because I always sit in front of the tv for many hours every sunday.  just because.  isn't that what we all do?  maybe one of these days I will walk on the treadmill for one of those hours.  or maybe not.  with that...happy friday.