Wednesday, Feb 27

that snowstorm made a mess of things.  but it is melting today, so all will soon be well.  I am still counting on golfing in March. 

here are a couple good stories....

the ceo of Yahoo is making remote employees now work in the office.
but she has a nursery built next to her office, presumably to preserve her work/life balance.  I won't even mention that she was pregnant when hired, and had a leave right after starting.  I love when leadership of a company has one set of rules for them, and one set of rules for the people that do the work.  work/life balance, best places to work awards....really good ideas until a company realizes they need to treat their workers like dirt to get the job done.  know anyone that works at a place like that?  I do.  we all do.  we all work at a place like that.

and then there is editing out Michelle obama's comment about an assault gun used in the shooting of a youth in a high visability case
she was not correct - it was a handgun.  but where is the outcry?  the correction by abc? 

rubio takes a sip of water during his state of the union rebuttal and there is speculation his political career is finished.  but these people lie and fabricate endlessly and there is no comment by anyone (other than fox news, I guess).....really shows where we are, doesn't it sheeple?

things are really bad, but michelle obama can present the best picture oscar, and do some silly dance with Jimmy Fallon....that is really important to us, isn't it?  the queen must be entertained.

the emperor is wearing no clothes.



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