Sunday, Feb 24

sunday...still cold, but the nascar season starts today...and will end in November.  the crash yesterday was pretty bad.  imagine getting seats near the finish line and having a tire end up in your lap.  that is why I will be watching the race from my couch with the remote in hand.

looks like the sequester will force the govt to cut air control towers and will inconvenience travelers by cutting tsa and leading to 3 hour waits in line. about cutting funding for Obama phones, or aid to illegals, or aid to countries that hate, or aid to banks and other bailed out failed companies?
nah....better to screw with middle class travelers than mess with the  data plan of parasitic free phone users.

what a mess we are in.

but the race starts at noon, so all is well.  until the race ends, anyway.  then we go back to the suck.


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