Wednesday, Feb 6

a few gems I missed yesterday

The first, about a cook county judge, who was found not guilty by way of insanity for an assault charge...and she keeps getting re-elected....and she has been found unfit to serve...and she keeps getting re-elected by her constituants who are more mental jovial than she is...and she continues to draw $182 grand salary...even though she is fucking nuts and cannot do her job.,0,4650836.story

and then there is leon panetta, sec of defense....who flies from DC to his home in California every weekend at a cost to you and I of $32 grand per weekend.  but he does reimburse us $629 per trip... that is some fair share, huh???
so much for "if you like your job, live near your job, if you like where you live, work near where you live".  that is for the little people.  panetta needs to get his head clear, and if it costs us pissants 32 grand per weekend, at least this rectum has a clear head.

and today our wise gov. fudd quinn is going to give his state of the state is a preview:
"ladies and gentlemen of the state...we are fucked.  thank you".

what a fucking mess we have....or is it just me? 


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