Saturday, Feb 2

Groundhog day...we keep waking up in the middle of huge suckage.  the weather sucks, the economy sucks, we seem to have elected the same failure for a president for which we just ate four years of shit last time we elected.  but, the illegals can now claim benefits that we, the taxpayers, will pay for.  and obama care- we will pay for the healthcare the parasites cannot pay for..since they are too busy using their link cards, that we paid for, to buy stuff that we, the taxpayers cannot afford.  what a fucking mess.  is this a joke, or is it groundhog day?  at some point will we wake up and find we did not elect a community organizer whose wife parades around in a silly clown wig and we watch what we have worked so hard to build be struck down in the name of social justice?  i have never been less proud of my country.  and we get to endure 4 more years of this ass rape.  nice job, women voters - you are responsible for getting barry reelected.   the next four years are on you.

anyway, after that I sit here looking out the window at the shit weather outside, I have been on a download binge.  old classics...George Thorogood, Pink Floyd..... I needs me some Blondie..... 
and so it goes...super bowl tomorrow.  then back to the suck.  but, in the interest of sanity, I have now figured out how to position it all...therein lies the key.  just cease giving a crap.  and so I shall. 


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