Friday, Feb 15

tgif...always good to make it to Friday.  days are getting longer, sun comes up earlier. we are on the backside of winter.  even though it was not a bad winter (yet) it is always good to make it to spring.

when I started writing this blog over 4 years ago, I was consumed with finding a job...I had been off 4 months when I started writing daily, and it would be a few more months until I got the job I have now.  maybe it's me, but I have a limited time I can spend at a may have heard the saying "the happiest days of a boat owners life is the day he buys the boat and the day he sells the boat".  kind of the same thing in my case.  I was elated to find a job after being off 7 months, and now am ready to find a new job.  the company I am at is growing, changing, lots of disgruntled employees (like you, CWill).  so I am not alone.  companies going though a growth period expect the workers to work tirelessly...well no more of that bullshit. I just worked 60 - 70 hour weeks so the company could make a lot of dough, but none for me.  so my new mantra is I will measure what I do in relation to what I get.  I supposed I should have always done so, like most of the seatwarmers here. 

but as I always say, good to be busy.  harbor no illusions that a company actually gives a crap about you, and you will not be disappointed.


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