Thursday, Feb 14

Valentines Day - the day that kids USED TO bring in valentines and candy...but then some precious little snowflakes got offended and that had to stop. 

Here is a story about Rubio's career being over because he took a drink of water during his response to obamas state of the union speach.
was obaba's career over when he consorted with felon Tony Rezko? was his career over when he sealed his records?  was his career over when his wife was disbarred?  was hillary clintons career over when she had Vince Foster killed?  no.  but take a drink of water and the liberals have a field day.

and then there is this
students forbidden from chanting USA at a sporting event.  but, you can have the puerto rico pride parade, gay pride parade, mexican pride parade...but heaven forbid you be proud of your country. 

as talentless hack my favorite country artist, Taylor Swift, would sing "trouble, trouble, trouble"

(authors note - I apologize for ending on such a crappy line.  but that song annoys me to no end)


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