Sunday, Feb 16

back to the suck tomorrow.   working for a company that keeps score and does the minimum for you should be answered in kind.  which I am doing.  but, as I have said a few million times before, good to be busy.  but, I shall not do more than the minimum until I depart.  and, of course, I expect to be rewarded with the minimum. tit for tat.  quid pro quo.  each yo peez.  the company I work at makes all this noise about being one of the best places to work, etc...but they have become just like every other company.  just in it for  the enrichment of those in a position to be enriched.  and I ain't one of them. 

speaking of which, obobo is playing golf on our dime in florida, while his wife and kids are skiing in colorado.  on our dime.  while we all struggle to make ends meet.  how do they get away with this?  i suppose when you are adept at cultivating parasites, those parasites will do what they can to keep you in office.  but eventually the parasites will kill the host, and we are not far from that happening.

I am sitting here at the same computer by the same window I spent so many hours at during my job search.  old habits die hard - just sending out resumes to whatever silly posting I happen to see between hands of hearts.   but, who knows which resume will hit, and what job I will hate next, and what stupid douchebags I will have to pretend I don't hate for the first few weeks of working with them, and finding out how stupid they all are....  the anticipation is unbearable.  the anticipation of having another beer, I mean.

anyway, back to the hawks game.  ciao.


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