Sunday, Feb 3 - Super Bowl prep

I have taken a break from making my chili to post this advice.  If you are going to be drinking beer during the game, start drinking now.  if you are going with hard liquor, wait a bit, then start.  you need to be prepped and primed for the first wave of commercials after the 5:30 kickoff.  in all liklihood, most will be unfunny failures, but you will laugh because you were drinking 3 1/2 hrs prior to kickoff.  also, if you are at a gathering and there are any square pools,  or bets of any kind, participate.  if the game sucks, you at least might win some dough.    me - I am going to lay on the couch and hope my brother stops by with wings.  if not, I will drink the number of beers equal to the number of wings I would have eaten if my brother had stopped by.

that's about it.  enjoy the game, and I hope your headache is worse than mine is tomorrow morning.  I am predicting a doozer for me, so that would mean you would have to be pretty close to death.  I dare ya.


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