Friday, Feb 22

2/, what a cosmic date anomaly.  got to go buy some lottery tickets with random numbers instead of 2s. 

off work today.  so, now to fire up the snow blower and do the driveway.  the news has been full of stories of the minor snowfall we had overnight.  much ado about something that happens frequently in the winter.

did you pay your fair share?  look at this story:
half the homeowners in Detroit did not pay their property taxes.  presumably, their fair share is added to your fair share.  and you and I get to pay it.  that is fair, right?  city services and cell phones aren't free, you know.

and then there is this...
another kid molested by a TSA scumbag...the race of the child...why, white, of course....did you have to ask?
when will we learn to dress like muslims and they will wave us right through security.  musn't offend the muslims...but whites - we can go eff ourselves.

each day we swirl a bit lower in the toilet.  each day the ghost moose has a few more parasitic ticks sucking its blood. 

I enjoyed America before it became such an effed up mess, didn't you?  the once majestic moose, emperor of the north has become a parasite-ridden shell, doomed by its welcoming of more parasites to its limited ability to support the parasites.


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