Friday, Feb 1 month closer to spring.  we played golf around March 25 or so last year, so if we get lucky this year, we are getting there.  Daytona 500 in a few weeks.  the start of a 10 month NASCAR season. 
This winter has been livable.  not much snow - yet.  it went from 65 the other day to minus 1 this morning.  that is some swing.

got my property tax bill....those public pensions gotta be paid.  I can't wait to move out of this shit state. 

super bowl weekend...big deal.  but I will watch for the commercials, and because I always sit in front of the tv for many hours every sunday.  just because.  isn't that what we all do?  maybe one of these days I will walk on the treadmill for one of those hours.  or maybe not. 

with that...happy friday. 


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