Wednesday, Feb 13

Here's a funny one...for you who pay taxes...the 47% of you providing for the 53% of the layabouts:

African Americans are concerned about obama's catering to the illegal hispanic population.  as if someone will get more free stuff than someone 2 ex wives fighting each other for more money from the single ex husband.  Not that African Americans as a whole are looking for free stuff, but there is a segment of every demographic who survives solely by looking for a handout - white, black, brown, whatever.....we have become an embarassing country.  our standards are low, and being lowered by the day.  no failing grades given to failing students, every kid on a losing sports team getting a trophy....let's reward failure, shall we??  and who will pay??? why, the 47% of us who are dumb enough to have a get back to the job or you will be thrown in a debtors prison...that will be next.

and the state of the union hour of empty words.  what has occured in the past 4 years that would give anyone the idea the next 4 years will be anything different?

see how smart you become when you reach my age?


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